Eager to add an Otter book to your library?

Book 3: $15 + $5 for shipping

Book 3, Under the Sea with Otty and Shelly, is NOW available! To order, e-mail me!

To order the first two books in the Otter Chronicles series, The Otter by the Sea, e-mail me or purchase on Amazon.com

The Otter by the Sea cover art

Book 1: $15 + $5 for shipping


Book 2: $15 + $5 for shipping



Otters on display at the River Oaks Bookstore

The Otter by the Sea on display at the River Oaks Bookstore in Houston, TX






The books are also on sale at the following locations in Houston, TX:

River Oaks Bookstore

Blue Willow Bookshop

Motherhood Center

And at the following locations in Pacific Grove, CA:

Chatterbaux Shoppe



The Otter by the Sea on sale at Chatterbaux Shoppe in Pacific Grove, CA – owner Alexandra gives it two thumbs up!

The Otter by the Sea on sale at BookWorks in Pacific Grove, CA